Project | 01
His breath tasted of ashes but he didn't smoke
He hung paintings of Basquiat on his wall.
Someone told me that after his quarter life crisis
he collapsed and began drinking Miller High-life out of a champagne glass.
He couldn't grasp the bottle concept.
The only bottled beer he used was his hemp beer, which he used for his cereal only.
His life was left up to everyone's interperatation of him.
As for what you think of Bruce,
Judge for yourself
Project | 02
Beat generation writer living in the BEATS generation
Next thing you know it'll be the beets generation
abandoning the avocado helath conscious
and returning to Grannie's good 'ol beets.
The Go generation
listening to Straight Ahead Jazz
Whatever became of the Go-go generation
listening to Beat music?
Nowadays kids are making beats for their
rap songs.
Project | 03
The birth of cool
Cool was born in the '50s.
It was birthed out of Jazz lounges and coffee houses.
It's mothers were Jazz singers
Fathers poets
It's big brothers were hepcats and hipsters.
The babies of cool were Beat.
Swinging sophistication
Even the rich can get a taste of cool
as they listen to jazz at dinner parties
while sipping their Pink Martinis.
Lounge baby.
It carried on into the '60s
but was overshadowed by teens who wanted to redifine "Cool" and
"Swinging" and "Hip".
Cool was no longer an outsider's game
but an insider's.
The original "Cool" went on to become
"Classy" since Rock 'n roll was now
the epitome of "cool"
"Ya dig?" turned into "Dig it baby, dig it."
"Hip and with it" turned to "Hip and happening."
Somewher along the lines, we got the modern definition of hipster, who is neither "Hip" nor wishes to be "Cool."
Who chooses not to be 'With it".
"Cool." in the sense of the '50s, is dead,
but lives on through any of those
wishing to emulate it's coolness.
Who revitalised lounge music.
who listens to Jazz and goes to poetry readings.
At cocktail parties where the ladies wear
LBDs or pencil skirts.
In the cities, at fancy restauraunts.
In the glass of wine.
Cool is still alive.
Project 4
Bitter as Blood

Bitter as blood
How her head could recall rock music language
the sordid smell must stop the summer rain
He egged life
Mad luscious love
raw rose ripped
playing some symphony no one dreamed
tiny though their sweat
garden death
I lie here lazy over the shadow of the sea
delirious by bed
pink my milk

Project 5
A supermarket in California 2020
Walt Whitman
I was thinking of you when I made my way
to the grocery store tonight.
What do you make of all the soccer moms and their avocados?
Or the hipsters and their almond butter?
Perhaps you can see a bit of yourself in their beards and their rejection for
mainstream culture.
Allen Ginsberg
I think of you as I float past the mangoes on aisle 6.
Was this what you were thinking when you first made your way to this supermarket?
I see your face in the dragon fruit.
Your glasses in the Rice-a-Roni.
Remnants of a California of generations past.

Project 6
Left brain society
Left brain society
Right brainers who only listen to left-of the-dial radio
Left brainers not ready for the right-brain revolution
thinking in terms of “masses”
thinking of America as the melting pot that melts into one homogenized stew
Thinking art causes chaos
believing everyone needs a touch of grey